![Coming Collaboration: Teşkilât-ı Mahsusa/شکیلات مخصوصه Ottoman Secret Police](https://images.podcastpage.io/fetch/https%3A%2F%2Fsites.podcastpage.io%2F652dbbbfa1616b42ce74d265%2Fmedia%2F4bdf19096569f5e614e7.jpeg?w=1200)
So, for the past several weeks I've been hard at work researching, writing, and creating the PATREON exclusive episodes on the Elite infantry, personal bodyguards, and standard bearers of the Ottoman Imperium, the Janissaries. So far I've written the complete script for the first ever episode, an introduction. It'll still same narrative experience you're used to, but with a little bit more personal touch.
I've had a bumper crop of generous listeners signing up and joining the elite ranks of Sultan's Kul these past two weeks. As such, I'm under no illusion as to the fate which awaits officials whom, foolishly, let slide their obligations to the Corp of Oak Trees.
As such I've called in reinforcements in the person of Jack Johannessen.
Jack is the creator and host of the incredibly well researched podcast, Secret Police. You can find his website here.
Instead of me reinventing the wheel I've reached out to Jack, and would you believe it, the guy was kind enough to agree to a freaking collaboration!
Teşkilât-ı Mahsusa
Now before my listeners get all antsy and tell me the Teşkilât-ı Mahsusa was a product of the Young Turk Revolution, let me say that it really had forerunners going way back to Abdul Hamid II's reign when he was crushing under his boot the liberal reforming movements within the shrinking Ottoman Imperium. I promise this collaboration will treat the subject with all abject sensitivity, detailed research, and yet we endanger ourselves of getting lost in the weeds.
Myself and Jack both have an innate dedication to good history I this collaboration will be a testimony to our craft.
As a side note... how's my Ottoman Turkish coming along? I had a Ottoman Turkish grammar book donated curtesy of listener Cam (you know who you are- also talk about a DEAD language) شکیلات مخصوصه
Progress is slow...
This is still very much an ongoing project, and I expect Secret Police and the Ottoman Empire Podcast will have something our for you in the next three weeks or so.
IN THE MEAN TIME: Please go and check out Jack's podcast Secret Police.